Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It
Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made Ithttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/MV5BMmY0M2Y1OWEtNzBjOC00ZTdlLTllYTUtOGVmM2E5YTQyYjM3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTAwMzM3NDI3._V1_SX300.jpg
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Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It


Taking an intimate, hilarious look at what being Nigerian-American means to Yvonne.


Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It is a side-splitting comedy film that offers a personal and amusing exploration of Yvonne Orji's experience as a Nigerian-American. Yvonne, known for her role in the hit TV series Insecure, takes viewers on a journey through her life, upbringing, and the challenges she has faced, all with her signature wit and humor.

The film provides an intimate look into Yvonne's Nigerian heritage and the cultural clash she experiences growing up in America. Through engaging storytelling and hilarious anecdotes, Yvonne shares her journey of reconciling the expectations of her traditional Nigerian upbringing with her pursuit of a career in comedy. She delves into the triumphs and struggles she has encountered along the way, offering viewers a unique perspective on the pursuit of dreams and the importance of staying true to oneself.

Loaded with laughs and a sprinkle of heartfelt moments, Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It showcases Yvonne's undeniable comedic talent and infectious personality. It is a celebration of her success and an empowering testament to the importance of embracing one's identity. Whether you are a fan of Yvonne Orji or simply love stand-up comedy, this film promises to entertain and leave you with a newfound appreciation for the complexities of cultural identity. Get ready to laugh out loud as Yvonne takes the spotlight and proves that she has truly made it.

Also Known As:

Yvonne Orji: Momma, I Made It

Release Date:

25 Jun 2020


Yvonne Orji (written and performed by)