Witness Protection
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Witness Protection

A mobster, suspected of cooking the books, is targeted by the mob boss. His family manages to escape. He cuts a deal with FBI for witness protection p...rogram. A rough week follows for the family. Show More


In the movie Witness Protection (1999), a mobster finds himself in a dangerous predicament when he becomes the target of his ruthless mob boss who suspects him of embezzling funds. Fearing for the safety of his family, he decides to strike a deal with the FBI and enters the witness protection program.

The family manages to escape the clutches of the mob and start a new life in a small town under new identities. However, their transition into their new life is far from easy. They soon find themselves facing a series of challenges that test their resilience. This includes dealing with the cultural shock of living in a completely different environment, adapting to a modest lifestyle, and keeping their real identities a secret from their new community.

As their new life unfolds, the family is forced to confront their own limitations and adapt to unforeseen circumstances, all while hoping that their past won't catch up to them. But, as the week progresses, tensions rise, secrets come to light, and it becomes evident that their safety is far from guaranteed.

With a blend of suspense and emotional drama, Witness Protection takes viewers on a gripping journey as the family battles to protect themselves from their former mob connections. Will they be able to stay hidden and start anew, or will their past catch up with them, putting their lives in grave danger?

Note: The summary has been condensed to fit the limited word count and format of a streaming service page.

Also Known As:

Witness Protection

Release Date:

11 Dec 1999


Robert Sabbag, Daniel Therriault


Nominated for 1 Primetime Emmy. 6 nominations total