Witch Hunt
Witch Hunthttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/MV5BMTU0NzI4NDE1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzgyMzkxMQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Witch Hunt

In a twisted 1950's where everyone does magic, a private detective investigates a murder case without it.


Witch Hunt is a captivating film set in a twisted 1950s where magic is a part of everyone's everyday life. This noir-style movie follows a private detective named H. Philip Lovecraft, who finds himself caught up in a murder case unlike any other. However, Lovecraft is unique in this magical world as he possesses no magical abilities.

As the only non-magical person in a society where magic is the norm, Lovecraft faces numerous challenges throughout his investigation. With everyone around him using supernatural powers to manipulate and deceive, Lovecraft must rely on his wit, intellect, and old-fashioned detective skills to crack the case.

In this gripping fantasy thriller, Witch Hunt takes viewers on a journey through a world where sorcery has become commonplace, and corruption runs rampant. As Lovecraft delves deeper into the murder mystery, he uncovers a web of secrets, lies, and hidden agendas that threaten to destroy everything he knows.

Witch Hunt combines elements of film noir, fantasy, and mystery to create an engaging and immersive cinematic experience. Directed by Paul Schrader and starring Dennis Hopper as Lovecraft, this film will leave audiences on the edge of their seats, eagerly unraveling the clues alongside the determined detective.

Step into this magical world, where one man fights against the odds to uncover the truth and restore justice. Will Lovecraft prevail, or will the forces of sorcery and corruption prove too powerful? Find out in Witch Hunt, a spellbinding cinematic masterpiece.

Also Known As:

Witch Hunt

Release Date:

10 Dec 1994


Joseph Dougherty


3 nominations.