Wild Mountain Thyme
Wild Mountain Thymehttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/MV5BYzhhOTdiYzAtMDJiYS00NDA0LWJmN2EtODljMDJmNDMxZDk3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTEyMjM2NDc2._V1_SX300.jpg
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Wild Mountain Thyme

A pair of star-crossed lovers in Ireland get caught up in their family's land dispute.


Wild Mountain Thyme is a charming romantic drama set in the picturesque landscapes of Ireland. The film follows the story of Anthony and Rosemary, two lovers whose families have been embroiled in a bitter land dispute for generations. As their complicated romance unfolds, the audience is taken on a heartfelt journey that explores themes of love, destiny, and the power of family ties.

Anthony, played by Hollywood heartthrob Jamie Dornan, is a shy and introverted man who struggles with expressing his true feelings. Meanwhile, Emily Blunt shines as Rosemary, a determined and headstrong woman who yearns for love and acceptance. With their strong chemistry and captivating performances, the two actors bring life to their characters and make their love story utterly captivating.

Directed by John Patrick Shanley, the film's stunning cinematography transports viewers to the enchanting Irish countryside, immersing them in the beauty of the lush green fields and rolling hills. The movie also boasts a talented supporting cast, including veteran actor Christopher Walken, who adds a touch of humor and charm to the narrative.

Wild Mountain Thyme is a tender and poignant film that explores the complexities of love, family, and the pursuit of happiness. It will leave viewers with a renewed appreciation for the power of love and the importance of following one's heart.

Also Known As:

Wild Mountain Thyme

Release Date:

11 Dec 2020


John Patrick Shanley


7 nominations