Waiting for Bojangles
Waiting for Bojangleshttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/MV5BMGM0NWRiZTAtYzYyMC00YjViLWE1ZDYtMWM5MzdmY2RkMmQwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODU5MTcyMDE@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Waiting for Bojangles

In front of their little boy, Camille and Georges dance to their favorite song "Mr Bojangles". With them, there is only place for fun and fantasy.


In the captivating film, Waiting for Bojangles (2022), viewers are transported into the enchanting world of Camille and Georges, a couple who find solace and joy in dancing to their beloved song, Mr Bojangles. Set in the captivating backdrop of their everyday life, this heartwarming tale revolves around the power of love, imagination, and resilience in the face of adversity.

As the story unfolds, Camille and Georges' little boy witnesses their vivacious and whimsical dances, immersing himself in their fantastical world. The film delicately explores the tender relationship between parents and child, as their son grapples with their unorthodox way of life while desperately seeking stability and understanding.

Waiting for Bojangles strikes a delicate balance between reality and escapism, showcasing the couple's ability to create their own magical universe despite the challenges that life presents. Their dances serve as a metaphor for the strength and beauty that can be found in embracing individuality and defying societal norms.

Directed and beautifully crafted by an acclaimed filmmaker, this thought-provoking film brilliantly captures the essence of love, resilience, and the power of music. With captivating performances from the talented cast, Waiting for Bojangles is an extraordinary cinematic experience that will leave audiences inspired and reflecting on the transformative power of passion and imagination.

Also Known As:

En attendant Bojangles

Release Date:

05 Jan 2022


Olivier Bourdeaut, Romain Compingt, Régis Roinsard