Under Siege
Under Siegehttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/MV5BZWYxMDZkNmMtZjljNS00MDE5LTlmYmItMmVjZWU5NjQwYmI0L2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTAyODkwOQ@@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Under Siege

An ex-Navy Seal turned cook is the only person who can stop a group of terrorists when they seize control of a U.S. battleship.


Under Siege (1992) is an action-packed thriller that follows the story of an ex-Navy Seal turned cook who becomes the last hope against a group of terrorists who have taken over a U.S. battleship. Tensions rise as the terrorists, led by a cunning and ruthless leader, threaten to use the battleship's arsenal for their nefarious purposes.

As the battleship becomes a battleground, viewers are taken on a heart-pounding adventure filled with explosive action sequences and suspenseful moments. The ex-Navy Seal, played by a charismatic and resourceful actor, must use his training and intelligence to outsmart the terrorists and save the ship from imminent destruction.

The film showcases intense combat scenes, intricate plot twists, and a gripping cat-and-mouse game that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats. With its fast-paced narrative and compelling performances, Under Siege delivers a thrilling experience for both action enthusiasts and fans of the genre.

Directed by a renowned filmmaker, the movie boasts impressive production values and top-notch cinematography, immersing viewers into the dangerous world on board the battleship. The tension builds towards an explosive climax that will leave audiences breathless.

Under Siege combines adrenaline-pumping action with a compelling storyline, making it a must-watch for fans of thrilling films. So, get ready to embark on a high-stakes adventure and witness the heroic efforts of an unlikely hero as he battles against all odds to save the day on the U.S.S battleship.

Also Known As:

Under Siege

Release Date:

09 Oct 1992


J.F. Lawton


Nominated for 2 Oscars. 3 wins & 3 nominations total