The Worthy
The Worthy
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The Worthy

After the vast majority of the world's water supply is lethally contaminated, a small group of survivors who have taken refuge near a rare clean water... source are thrust into a deadly game of cat and mouse and must defend their lives from infiltrators who aren't what they seem.
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In a world where the water supply has been contaminated and is deadly, a group of survivors find solace near a rare clean water source. However, their safe haven is disrupted when infiltrators arrive, throwing them into a dangerous game of survival. The Worthy is a gripping thriller that takes viewers on a journey filled with suspense and unexpected twists.

The movie plunges the audience into a dystopian future where the majority of the world's water supply is lethal. As the survivors struggle to protect their only source of clean water, they are faced with a series of mysterious infiltrators who pose a threat to their lives. As tensions rise and trust becomes scarce, the group must navigate a treacherous landscape and decipher who among them can be trusted.

The Worthy keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its fast-paced storyline and intense action sequences. This gripping cat-and-mouse game between the survivors and infiltrators exposes hidden motives and forces the characters to make difficult choices in order to survive.

With its dystopian setting and strong performances, The Worthy offers a unique take on the apocalyptic genre. As the suspense builds and the plot unfolds, audiences are kept guessing until the very end. Don't miss this thrilling and thought-provoking movie that explores the lengths people will go to protect their most valuable resource.

Also Known As:

The Worthy

Release Date:

23 Feb 2017


Vikram Weet


4 nominations.