Terminal Invasion
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Terminal Invasion

Aliens in human disguise commandeer a rural airport during a snowstorm. To survive, the people trapped inside must determine which of their own is not... of this Earth. Show More


In the thrilling sci-fi movie Terminal Invasion (2002), a group of people find themselves trapped in a rural airport during a snowstorm. Little do they know, aliens in human disguise have taken over the airport in a nefarious plan. As tensions rise and distrust fills the air, the group must band together to determine who among them is not of this Earth in order to survive.

The movie combines elements of suspense and mystery as the passengers struggle to uncover the alien infiltrator. They must rely on keen observation and clever deductions to distinguish between their fellow humans and the impostor aliens. As the storm rages outside, the situation inside the airport becomes increasingly dire, creating a sense of urgency and suspense throughout the film.

Terminal Invasion delivers an engaging storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they join the characters in their fight for survival. The movie explores themes of trust, identity, and the resilience of the human spirit. With its mix of action, suspense, and sci-fi elements, Terminal Invasion is a must-watch for fans of the genre.

Prepare to be captivated by this intense and mind-bending thriller as the characters race against time to expose the alien presence within their midst. Terminal Invasion will leave you questioning who you can truly trust and how far you would go to survive.

Also Known As:

Terminal Invasion

Release Date:

14 Sep 2002


Lewis Abernathy, John Jarrell, Robinson Young