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7.3 IMDB Rating 16,125 Views


Tre flickor kidnappas av en man med en diagnostiserad 23 distinkta personligheter. De måste försöka att fly innan den uppenbara uppkomsten av en frukt...ansvärd ny 24. Show More


Split is a gripping psychological thriller that follows the story of three girls who are kidnapped by a man with 23 distinct personalities. As they desperately try to escape, they soon discover the horrifying presence of a new, dangerous 24th personality lurking within their captor.

The film delves into the complex world of dissociative identity disorder, where the antagonist, Kevin, showcases a range of unique personalities, each with its quirks and traits. James McAvoy delivers an extraordinary performance, seamlessly transitioning between characters, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, Split expertly combines elements of suspense, horror, and psychological drama. The tension builds as the girls become more aware of their captor's condition, working together to unravel the mystery and find a way to escape before the emergence of the terrifying 24th personality.

Shyamalan's masterful storytelling keeps the audience engaged throughout the film, gradually revealing key plot twists that will leave viewers stunned. With its exceptional acting, atmospheric cinematography, and a haunting soundtrack, Split is a must-watch for fans of thrilling and thought-provoking cinema.

Experience the chilling journey of survival and the exploration of the human mind in Split, a captivating and intense thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end.