Point Of No Return
Point Of No Returnhttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/MV5BNzMwY2I3YmEtYWI1Ny00MjQyLThiNDUtZWI2NTI5YjJjZjY5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ2MjQ5NzM@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Point Of No Return

A government fakes the death of a criminal to turn this young woman into a killer on its service.


In Point Of No Return (1993), a thrilling action film, the government orchestrates an audacious plan to recruit a skilled assassin. Maggie Hayward, a troubled young woman with a criminal past, is offered a chance at redemption after her staged death. She is forcibly enrolled in a classified program that transforms her into a lethal killer.

Maggie, now adopting the persona of Claudia, receives extensive training in combat, weaponry, and espionage. Under the supervision of her handler, Bob, she embarks on a dangerous mission to eliminate targets that threaten national security. As Claudia executes her deadly assignments, she begins to question her own identity and the morality of her actions.

As the government's control over Claudia tightens, she finds solace and love in the arms of J.P., a compassionate restaurateur who is unaware of her dark past. The internal conflict between duty and her blossoming emotions sparks a series of unpredicted events, testing her loyalty to the government and her desire for a normal life.

Point Of No Return is a gripping tale of redemption, sacrifice, and the human capacity for change. As Claudia fights against both external threats and her own demons, viewers will be captivated by the intense action sequences, emotional turmoil, and thought-provoking narrative. With stellar performances by the cast and expert direction, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

Also Known As:

Point of No Return

Release Date:

19 Mar 1993


Luc Besson, Robert Getchell, Alexandra Seros