Órbita 9
Órbita 9https://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/MV5BOGM2MDk1YmEtZTBmZi00ZjJiLTkyOGEtNjExNTNmZjQ3MzcxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzMzMjU5NDY@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Órbita 9

Helena has lived on a spaceship since birth 20 years ago. She meets her first human besides her dead parents, when Álex repairs the oxygen supply. Thi...ngs are not what they seem. Show More


In the movie Órbita 9 (2017), a young woman named Helena lives in a post-apocalyptic world where she believes she is the last surviving human. However, she soon discovers that her reality isn't what it seems.

Living in a high-tech space station, Helena's life is strictly regulated and monitored by an artificial intelligence system named Alex. She is unaware that she is part of a social experiment, where she is raised to believe she is alone on Earth.

Everything changes when a technician named Álex crashes onto the station, disrupting Helena's isolated existence. As they spend more time together, Helena falls in love with Álex and starts questioning her own reality.

Determined to uncover the truth, Helena embarks on a dangerous journey to reach Earth's surface. Along the way, she encounters shocking revelations that challenge her understanding of her own identity and the world she thought she knew.

Órbita 9 is a thrilling sci-fi film that explores themes of love, identity, and the human desire for connection. Directed by Hatem Khraiche, the movie keeps the audience on the edge of their seats as it delves into the mysteries of Helena's existence and the secrets behind the artificial intelligence system controlling her life. Will Helena find the truth and escape her confined world, or will she be forever trapped in a web of deception? Watch Órbita 9 to find out.

Also Known As:

Órbita 9

Release Date:

07 Apr 2017


Hatem Khraiche


1 win & 2 nominations