Lost Transmissions
Lost Transmissionshttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/MV5BMTUyODY0N2QtNGU0ZC00NDI2LThmMjItMTk4ZGFmNTM0MzY0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDA1NDA2NTk@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Lost Transmissions

When an acclaimed music producer goes off his medication for schizophrenia, his friends chase him though the LA music scene to help commit him to a ps...ychiatric hospital, revealing the troubling inadequacies of our mental health care system.

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Lost Transmissions (2019) is a compelling drama that explores the complexities of the mental health care system. The story revolves around an esteemed music producer who decides to stop taking his medication for schizophrenia. As his condition deteriorates, his concerned friends embark on a mission to find him in the bustling music scene of Los Angeles, hoping to get him the help he needs from a psychiatric hospital.

This thought-provoking film sheds light on the troubling inadequacies of the mental health care system. It delves into the challenges faced by individuals with mental illnesses and the struggles they encounter when attempting to access proper care.

As the friends navigate the LA music scene, they encounter a variety of characters and situations that highlight the difficulties and stigmas surrounding mental health. Through their journey, the film explores the profound impact that mental illness can have on an individual's life and the importance of support from loved ones.

Lost Transmissions combines powerful performances with a gripping storyline to deliver a poignant examination of mental health. It raises crucial questions about society's approach to mental illnesses and emphasizes the need for a more comprehensive and compassionate mental health care system.

This thought-provoking film offers a compelling narrative that will leave viewers with a greater understanding and empathy towards those dealing with mental health challenges.

Also Known As:

Lost Transmissions

Release Date:

13 Mar 2020


Katharine O'Brien


4 wins & 2 nominations