Jönssonligans största kupp
Jönssonligans största kupphttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/MV5BZDQ0OGU2YWEtNWUwZi00Yzc5LWE1MzItNDlhOTdlY2NjNDM4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQzMjU1NjE@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Jönssonligans största kupp

When Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry tries to break doctor Busé out of jail, they get Herman Melvin instead. He has been working at the Swedish Mint and th...e doctor, who has started to think like Sickan, has written a plan for making a burglary there, on Melvin's back. However, something goes wrong. They don't get a lot of Deutsch-marks as they planned but instead, they end up on a ship going to Poland, together with bunches and bunches of Polish Zlotys (the Polish currency). In Poland, they discover that the mafia are very interested in that money and Wall-Enberg is working with the mafia.
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In Jönssonligans största kupp (1995), Vanheden and Dynamit-Harry have a risky plan to break doctor Busé out of jail, but their luck takes a turn when they mistakenly free Herman Melvin instead. Unbeknownst to them, Melvin has been working at the Swedish Mint and has a brilliant plan for a burglary. Doctor Busé, now thinking like Sickan, convinces Melvin to execute the heist using his plan. However, their scheme takes an unexpected twist.

Instead of stealing Deutsch-marks as planned, Vanheden, Dynamit-Harry, and Melvin find themselves on a ship heading to Poland, surrounded by piles of Polish Zlotys. Once in Poland, they realize that the local mafia is highly interested in acquiring the money. To make matters worse, they soon discover that Wall-Enberg, their former ally, is working with the mafia.

Jönssonligans största kupp is an adventurous comedy filled with unexpected turns and hilarious moments. The dynamic trio must outsmart the mafia and navigate their way out of this unpredictable situation. Will their ingenuity and teamwork be enough to secure their freedom and ensure a successful heist? Find out in this captivating and entertaining film.

Also Known As:

The Jonsson Gang's Greatest Robbery

Release Date:

03 Feb 1995


Hans Åke Gabrielsson, Stig Boqvist, Calle Norlén


1 nomination