History of Swear Words
History of Swear Wordshttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/MV5BYTk3Yjc3YjktY2MxOC00YjQ2LTlhZmEtODM2OWI1MTc0NTQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjEwNTM2Mzc@._V1_SX300.jpgUnknown
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History of Swear Words

An education in expletives: the history lesson you didn’t know you needed hosted by Nicolas Cage. A loud and proudly profane series that explores the ...origins, pop culture-usage, science and cultural impact of curse words. Show More


History of Swear Words is a fascinating and educational documentary series hosted by Nicolas Cage. With a loud and proud approach, the show boldly delves into the origins, usage in popular culture, scientific aspects, and overall cultural impact of curse words. This series provides viewers with a history lesson on expletives that they didn't even know they needed.

Each episode focuses on a different curse word, exploring its etymology, evolution, and how it came to be a part of our daily language. Through interviews with experts, linguists, and comedians, the series uncovers the social and cultural reasons behind the use of these taboo words.

While the show maintains a light-hearted tone, it also delves deeper into the significance of curse words, addressing topics such as the power of language, freedom of speech, and the boundaries of acceptability. Cage, known for his eccentric personality, brings his unique charm and enthusiasm to the series, making it an entertaining and engaging watch.

History of Swear Words is a must-watch for those curious about the power and influence of language. Be prepared for a fun and educational journey through the history of curse words that will leave you with a newfound appreciation for the impact of swear words in society.

Also Known As:

History of Swear Words

Release Date:

05 Jan 2021


1 nomination