Flight Of The Intruder
Flight Of The Intruderhttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/MV5BM2NiZDFhNzUtNGEwZS00ZGIyLTlhMjItNDI4ZTFjNWNlZjdiL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQzNDI3NzY@._V1_SX300.jpg
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Flight Of The Intruder

During the air war over Vietnam, a U.S. Navy A-6 Intruder bomber pilot schemes with a hardened veteran to make an unauthorized air strike on Hanoi.


Flight of the Intruder (1991) takes place during the intense air war over Vietnam. The film follows the story of a U.S. Navy A-6 Intruder bomber pilot named Jake Grafton who becomes disillusioned with the futility of his missions. In an act of defiance against the bureaucratic chain of command, Jake, along with his backseater and childhood friend, Mad Jack Dixon, concocts a dangerous plan to carry out an unauthorized air strike on Hanoi.

Driven by their desire to make a meaningful impact on the war effort, Jake and Jack recruit the help of a battle-hardened veteran named Willem Dafoe, who possesses crucial intelligence about Hanoi's defenses. Together, they face numerous obstacles, including their superiors' disapproval and the ever-present threat of enemy fire.

As the trio embarks on their secret mission, they must confront their own fears, doubts, and the risks involved, all while grappling with the moral implications of their choices. Their actions will have far-reaching consequences, not only for their own lives but also for the outcome of the war.

With a compelling mix of action, drama, and character development, Flight of the Intruder offers a thought-provoking exploration of the personal and emotional toll of war and the lengths individuals will go to in pursuit of their beliefs.

Also Known As:

Flight of the Intruder

Release Date:

18 Jan 1991


Stephen Coonts, Robert Dillon, David Shaber