A Gang Story
A Gang Storyhttps://nyafilm6.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/MV5BNzJkYTM5ZTktNmVmOS00MTcwLTliZGEtNzM0NDliYmQzOWU0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDU2NjE3NTk@._V1_SX300.jpg
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A Gang Story

After growing up in a poor gypsy camp, Edmond Vidal, aka Momon, has retained a sense of family, unfailing loyalty and pride in his origins. Most of al...l, he has remained friends with Serge Suttel, with whom he first discovered prison life - for stealing cherries. The two of them inevitably got involved in organized crime. The team they formed, the Gang Des Lyonnais, made them the most notorious armed robbers of the early 1970s. Their irresistible rise ended in 1974 with a spectacular arrest. Today, as he nears 60, Momon would like to forget that part of his life. He has found peace by retiring from the "business". He tends to his wife Janou, who suffered so in the past, and to his children and grandchildren, all of whom have great respect for this man of simple and universal values, so clear-headed and full of kindness. But then Serge Suttel, who has disowned nothing of his past, comes back into the picture.
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A Gang Story is a compelling crime drama that follows the life of Edmond Vidal, also known as Momon, who grew up in a poverty-stricken gypsy camp. Despite his challenging upbringing, Momon maintained a strong sense of family, loyalty, and pride in his roots. Alongside his best friend Serge Suttel, Momon found himself drawn into a life of crime, starting with their first offense of stealing cherries that eventually led them to become notorious armed robbers in the early 1970s as part of the Gang Des Lyonnais.

However, their criminal empire came crashing down in 1974 when they were arrested in a high-profile operation. Presently, Momon is approaching his sixties and desires to leave his criminal past behind, seeking peace and contentment in retirement. He devotes his time to his wife Janou, who has endured the hardships of his criminal life, as well as his children and grandchildren, who hold him in high regard for his upstanding values and kindness.

But just as Momon begins to find solace, Serge resurfaces, unapologetic about his past and eager to involve Momon in a new criminal venture. This unexpected reunion puts Momon in a difficult position as he is torn between his commitment to his family and his loyalty to his old friend. As the movie unfolds, it delves into themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the ever-present bonds of friendship in the face of past mistakes.

Also Known As:

Les Lyonnais

Release Date:

30 Nov 2011


Olivier Marchal, Edgar Marie, Edmond Vidal


1 nomination